Treason Scuttles X-Presidential Bid for Alpine Cup (Part I)

Marking their first state visit to the Swiss International Alpine Cup June 24-26 of 2019, your Chief Executives began the weekend campaign with a night game at Baseballstadion Heerenschürli in Zürich, Switzerland. With a 18:30 first pitch time, the Commanders in Chief surged ahead against the hosting U23 Swiss National Team by knocking three quick singles, a stolen base, and taking advantage of a wild pitch by the Swiss hurler. Three hits and an error produced two quick runs for the X-Presidents in the 1st.


#16 Abraham Lincoln (Donnels) Prepares to Issue an Exective Order to Right Center Field

As X-Presidential fans have come to expect, crafty lefty #44 Barack Obama (Berger) maintained the distance by recording three fly outs in the bottom of the first.

#44 Barack Obama (Berger) on the Bump


Obama would continue his reputation for X-Presidential pitching excellence first earned last at Finkstonball XXI. His teflon performance would result in a nearly “scandal-free” term of office on the mound and carry the Executive Branch into the 7th surrendering only two runs in the process.


X-Presidential offence was in order again and after a three spot in the 2nd and five runs in the third, the X-Presidents led the Swiss youngsters 10-1. The shelling brought in former X-President Yannick Brot to throw for the U23 team, in the first (but not the last) instance of X-Presidential treason of the tournament. Trading the Executive Branch’s secrets to the enemy bore fruit and Brot’s betrayal cooled the Chief Executives allowing them only a single unearned run in the 6th before giving way to the U23 bullpen in the 7th.

Obama first gave way to #1 George Washington (Sutter) who took the mound for the X-Presidents, followed by #33 Harry S. Truman (Bini) in the 8th, whereupon, behind a surge of highly bush-league heckling from a particular member of the u23 team during Truman’s public address from the mound, the Swiss Millennials managed to post five runs. It would not be enough.

#42 William Jefferson Clinton required no Saxaphone to Lull Immature Swiss Bats to Sleep


In traditional form, #42 William Jefferson Clinton (Gil), always popular with younger voters, quieted the U23 dugout, many occupants of which were far past their bedtime after nearly three and a half hours of baseball, by shutting down any hopes of a comeback.

A single run later and the X-Presidents emerged victorious. The final score against the Swiss Juveniles, 11-8 on 15 hits and one error by the X-Presidential squad.

The X-Presidents After their First Alpine Cup Victory


In the end the X-Presidents batted .366 (15 for 41) against the Swiss upstarts earning the Commanders in Chief’s starter #44 Barack Obama (Berger) the win and a 2.99 ERA on 6.0 IP.

(Photo Credits: Johnny Müller, Kali)